The flag has 2 color schemes: gradient and solid.
Solid color scheme
upper blue: 0,87,183
lower yellow: 255,215,0
star: 255,255,255
flower petal: 255,0,127
flower pistil: 255,255,127
taiji yin: 255,255,255
yin inner circle: 0,165,0
taiji yang: 239,0,0
yang inner circle: 255,255,0
Gradient color scheme
upper blue: 0,87,183
lower yellow: 255,215,0
star: gradient sphere: center: 255,255,255 edge: 255,255,127
flower petal: gradient curved: core : 255,127,127 edge: 255,0,127
flower pistil: 255,255,127
taiji yin: gradient sphere: center: 255,255,255 edge: 204,204,204
yin inner circle: gradient sphere: center: 0,139,0 edge: 0,185,0
taiji yang: gradient sphere: center: 255,0,0 edge: 185,0,0
yang inner circle: gradient sphere: center: 255,255,0 edge: 255,255,127
Shape standards
Let the radius of the Tai Chi circle be r.
Stars and flowers position circle radius R=1.67289r.
Nine stars and nine flowers equally divide 360°.
The diameter of the inscribed circle of the pentagon of the star is 1/3∙r.
The long radius of the flower is 1/6∙r.
The flag width is (r+(R-r)*20/9)*2 which is approximately equal to 4.99∙r.
The flag length is 1.5 times the width.
The dividing curve between yin and yang in the Tai Chi Diagram is drawn with 13 30-degree equal two semicircles divided points and 2 points of 30-degree cross the circle of edge extend.
The inner circle radius of Tai Chi is 1/6 Tai Chi radius.
The center of the Tai Chi is located at the crossing of 5/12 of the long side and 1/2 of the wide side.
The flower is an equation curve r=cos(5θ/3).